New Release: The Palgrave Handbook on Agricultural and Rural Development in Africa
To the Glory of God, the book titled ‘The Palgrave Handbook on Agricultural and Rural Development in Africa’ edited by Professor Evans Osabuohien has been published.
In brief, the book examines agricultural and rural development in Africa from theoretical, empirical and policy perspectives. It presents a robust discourse on the developmental concerns needed to be addressed in rural communities through agricultural transformation. It also emphasises on the significance of the agricultural sector as it is closely related to the issues of food sustainability, poverty reduction, employment creation, and the attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Africa.
Apart from the introduction and the conclusion chapters, the book contains 26 other chapters structured in five sections. The contributing authors provide the interconnections among the different aspects covered in the text, relating to agricultural and rural development in Africa. Hence, the book broadly recommends multiple evidence-based policies to develop the rural areas in Africa through the transformation of the agricultural sector that can benefit the continent.