Workshop and Networking Meeting for African Postgraduate and Young Researchers in Economics and Social Sciences

Another wonderful event is here again, and it is making the headlines. It is a Workshop and Networking Meeting for African Postgraduate and Young Researchers in Economics and Social Sciences holding 28th  and 29th October 2021.

The workshop is being organised within the framework of the Research Linkage Programme under the support of the Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Foundation cum the collaboration between Covenant University Ota, Nigeria and Witten/Herdecke University, Witten, Germany. An intensive information parked workshop connects postgraduate students, postdoctoral faculty and young researchers from different higher institutions and research policy-based institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa.

It focuses on developing collective research skills that will help African Postgraduate Students and Young Researchers in Economics and Social Sciences contribute to attaining United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and African Union’s Agenda 2063 through research endeavours. 

How to Apply (Latest 29th August 2021)

Interested applicants should display sufficient capacity for undertaking research and a competitive vision for involvement in research endeavours. Therefore, the requirements for evaluation include:

i. A minimum of a Master’s Degree or equivalent qualification in Agricultural Economics, Economics, and Social Sciences related programmes;

ii. A two-page abridged CV;

iii. A short letter of motivation;

iv. A list of scientific outputs (e.g., journal article, book chapter or working paper);

v. A concept note of a maximum of five pages on a research topic that the applicant wants to work on (which would be developed into a publishable article after the workshop).

vi. One reference letter from an Academic Advisor or Supervisor, or Head of Department who can attest to the competence and availability of the applicant.

Workshop Structure and Modalities

The interactive workshop will provide hands-on training for about 20 participants comprising postgraduate students, postdoctoral and young researchers from higher institutions and research/policy-based institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is designed for physical training at Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria. Modalities are also in place to make it hybrid to include virtual participation.

Why You should consider Applying

There is NO Registration Fee for the workshop. Also, there is moderate funding to cover accommodation and feeding during the workshop. A certificate of participation would also be provided at the end of the workshop. However, applicants are to cover their travel costs.


brief summary on the outcome of the event is online HERE.