On October 19th, 2023, the distinguished Prof Evans Osabuohien received a major invitation that would mark a significant chapter in his academic journey. This invite was none other than to present a paper, “Socioeconomic Shocks, Social Protection and Food Security amidst COVID-19 Pandemic in Africa: The Case of Nigeria,” at the esteemed 16th General Assembly of the Council for Development of Social Sciences Research in Africa (CODESRIA). Held from December 4-8, 2023, this high-profile event also celebrated the 50th anniversary of CODESRIA.

For Prof Evans, this wasn’t just an opportunity to deliver a presentation; it was a chance to connect with like-minded scholars and members of the emerging research Think Tank, the DePECOS Institutions and Development Research Centre (DIaDeRC).

Under Prof Evans’s visionary leadership, DIaDeRC remains dedicated to amplifying research dissemination across Africa, fostering an inclusive scholarly environment. The African Scholars Mentorship Network (ASMN), a flagship initiative, plays a pivotal role in achieving this goal. Through virtual training sessions and occasional in-person conferences, such as the upcoming DIaDeRC-TASUED workshop on February 15-16, 2024, DIaDeRC strives to enrich the research experience for scholars, irrespective of their background.

Diversity is at the core of DIaDeRC’s commitment, reflected in the formation of seven sub-group clusters within ASMN based on research specialities. This ensures that relevant information reaches members regularly. Consequently, when the call for papers for the CODESRIA 16th General Assembly emerged, ASMN members, including Prof Evans, were informed. Submissions spanned diverse fields in alignment with the conference theme: ‘Social Sciences and ‘Pandemics’ in Africa.’

The thrill of achievement came upon the announcement of paper acceptances. Three ASMN members, including Prof Evans, were enlisted to present at the CODESRIA 16th General Assembly in Dakar, Senegal. It wasn’t just a platform for presentations; it evolved into a nexus for networking and awareness among brilliant minds in the social sciences.

At this all-expense-paid conference, Prof Evans, alongside Dr Ngwengeh Brendaline Beloke and Dr Neema Kumburu, shared their insights. Prof Evans dished insights from his recently published book, “Socioeconomic Shocks, Social Protection and Food Security amidst COVID-19 Pandemic in Africa: The Case of Nigeria.” Dr. Kumburu focused on “Disaster Vulnerability and the Welfare of Smallholder Farmers in Tanzania,” while Dr. Beloke explored “Threats and Management of Commercial Banks in Times of Pandemics in Cameroon.” These presentations spurred reflections on Africa’s progress post-COVID-19 and provided a platform to discuss pervasive ‘pandemics’ affecting livelihoods.

What makes the event particularly special to Prof Evans is the alignment of DIaDeRC’s mission with CODESRIA’s dedication to promoting research within the social sciences across Africa, transcending barriers. This resonates with DIaDeRC’s goal of empowering African scholars continent-wide.

You, too, can join this dynamic network by signing up for the upcoming DIaDeRC-TASUED workshop on February 15th-16th, 2024. Titled “Grant Writing, Winning, and a Rewardable Scholarly Career,” this transformative workshop promises to be a academic and professional growth journey. Click this link to embark on this scholarly adventure: http://bit.ly.DIaDeRC-TASUED

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