Virtual International Conference on Governance and Sustainable development in Nigeria: Issues, challenges and solutions for a developing economy.
To see ahead one needs to stand on the shoulders of giants. This was reflected at the International Conference organised by the Faculty of Management and Social Science, Godfrey Okoye University, a virtual Conference themed “Governance and Sustainable Development in Nigeria: Issues, Challenges and Solutions for a Developing Economy in a Post-COVID world”, held 9th and 10th of November, 2020.
Its keynote speaker, Prof. Evans Osabuohien led presenters and participants when he presented a paper entitled “Governance and Sustainable Development: Decoupling the Interplay in Nigerian Economy’. He elaborated on the need for agro-industrialisation, smart human capital development, respect for the rule of law, and reduction of cost of governance.
The Keynote Presentation, which is titled: Governance and Sustainable Development: Decoupling the Interplay for the Nigerian Economy is freely availableonline
More information on the conference is available at Godfrey Okoye University Website, while the summary from the conference has been reported by a national media house and available online.