How to Build Resilience for SDGs Attainment in a Dynamic World

The success of the 12th Ibadan Sustainable Development Summit themed: “Building Resilience for the Attainment of the SDGs in the Face of COVID-19 Pandemic and a Changing World” by the University of Ibadan Centre for Sustainable Development (CESDEV) on the 16th and 17th of August 2021 was hinged on the platform created for deliberate discussion on building resilience for the attainment of the SDG’s.

Prof. Evans Osabuohien was one of the Keynote Speakers who made a presentation on “BUILDING RESILIENCE FOR SDGs ATTAINMENT IN A DYNAMIC WORLD: REDUCTIONIST AND HOLISTIC PERSPECTIVES FROM NIGERIA. In brief, his presentation elaborated on the concept of Sustainable Development and the interplay between them; world dynamic issues that emerge; an introduction into reductionist and holistic perspective; the need of the interface; and reflection on case studies that reflect attainable goals. He crowns his presentation by emphatically stating that “a burning desire for change is required to begin a journey of 1000 miles, which begins with a step”.

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