Professor Evans leads other experts in empowering scholars at TASUED-DIaDeRC Workshop

On 15th and 16th February 2024, Professor Evans Osabuohien, alongside a distinguished team of academics, researchers, and government stakeholders, spearheaded a ground-breaking workshop poised to redefine scholarly careers in Africa. The workshop, centred on Grant Writing, Winning, and Cultivating a Rewardable Scholarly Career in Africa, marked a […]

Celebrating Excellence and God’s Faithfulness: Prof Evans Osabuohien’s Excellent Conference Participations in Germany

The few weeks in September 2023 was a somewhat whirlwind of excitement, insights, and learning for Prof Evans Osabuohien as he had the incredible opportunity to attend three extraordinary events in Germany. These experiences were not just about academic enrichment; they were about building networks, […]